如何从 Eclipse 的 tomcat 插件更改 tomcat 的端口

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin tomcat eclipse

我正在使用 Eclipse KeplerEclipseTotale 的 tomcat 插件.我在 8080 端口使用 Oracle XE,并希望在 9090 端口运行 Tomcat.我已经更改了 server.xml 并在这一行更改了端口:

I am using Eclipse Kepler and EclipseTotale's tomcat plugin. I am using Oracle XE at port 8080, and want to run Tomcat at port 9090. I have changed server.xml and changed the port at this line :

 <Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="9090" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 

它仍然说该地址已被使用.另外,我有点怀疑更改 server.xml 是否会产生任何影响,因为我选择了 Context Decalration Mode 为 Context Files而不是 server.xml

It still says the address is already in use. Also, I am a little skeptical as to whether changing server.xml will have any effect as I have selected Context Decalration Mode to be Context Files instead of server.xml



修改了tomcat主目录下的server.xml后就可以了.问题是有多个正在运行的tomcat 实例.我也更改了其他连接器的端口.这可能也有影响,但我不确定.

It worked after changing server.xml in tomcat's home directory. The problem was that there were multiple instances of tomcat that were running. I changed the ports of other connectors too.. that may also have had an effect, though I am not sure.
