在 IProject 中搜索文件 - Eclipse

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java eclipse

我需要在项目的类路径中找到 Eclipse 项目中存在的特定文件.

I need to find a specific file present in eclipse project which is in classpath of project.

我有 IProject 实例但不知道如何获取 IFile 实例

I have IProject instance but Dont know how to get IFile instance


IProject 接口扩展了 IContainer,它有几个 findMember 方法.在使用 getType 检查其类型后,您会得到一个 IResource,可以将其转换为 IFile.浏览这些接口,它们都有正确的文档记录.

The IProject interface extends the IContainer which has several findMember methods. You get an IResource which can be casted down to IFile after checking its' type using getType. Go over those interfaces, they are properly documented.
