如何下载 Eclipse 的源代码?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java eclipse

花了一段时间后(他们用于 CSV 访问的 wiki 页面不再有效,提供的密码不起作用)并且他们的 SVN 存储库不包含 Eclipse IDE 或核心插件的代码.同样的问题似乎也适用于他们的 GIT 存储库.特别是我正在寻找这个 core 插件类的源代码(甚至不是特定于 java 的):

After spending awhile (their wiki pages for CSV access are no longer valid, the password provided does not work) and their SVN repositories do not contain the code to Eclipse IDE or the core plugins. The same problem also appears to apply to their GIT repositories. In particular I am looking for the source code of this core plugin class (not even java specific):


plugin: org.eclipse.debug.core


class: org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IProcess

最后,我还尝试将插件作为带有源目录的片段导入.没有打包的源文件.我的最后一个选择是反编译类文件,但请告诉我有一个更好的存储库,我可以通过只读权限访问?同样,他们的 wiki 要么已过时,要么没有将我指向核心代码而是其他项目 repos.

Finally, I also tried to import the plugin as a fragment with source directory. There is no packaged source file. My last option is to decompile the class files, but please tell me there is a better repository I can access with read only permission? Again their wiki is either outdated or not pointing me to the core code but other project repos.


我找到了,棘手的部分是在他们的 git repo 页面(http://git.eclipse.org/c/),你必须检查每个页面,它列在平台"类别下,而不是所有插件 ID 都按字母顺序列出:

I found it, the tricky part was there are so many repos just listed there on their git repo page (http://git.eclipse.org/c/), you kind of have to inspect each page, it is listed under the category "platform", as opposed to all the plugin ID's being listed in alphabetic order:

对于 org.eclipse.debug.core(IProcess 所在的位置),它在这里:

For org.eclipse.debug.core (where IProcess is), it is here:

