todo 标签在 eclipse 和 pydev 上不起作用

2022-01-16 00:00:00 pydev eclipse-plugin eclipse todo

我在 fedora 和 pydev 2.2.2 上使用 eclipse 3.7.0

I'm using eclipse 3.7.0 on fedora and pydev 2.2.2

我尝试使用待办事项标签,但它不起作用.窗口 > 首选项上的待办事项标签看起来不错.我可以在该行旁边添加一个使用左键.

I tried to use the todo tags but it doesnt work. the todo tags on window > preferences looks fine. i can add a using left click beside the line.



#TODO 的评论只会在以下情况下生成任务:

Comments with #TODO will only generate tasks if:

  1. 代码位于源文件夹中(即:在 PYTHONPATH 中)

  1. The code is in a source folder (i.e.: in the PYTHONPATH)


You have the builders turned on (or run the build manually from time to time).


入门指南(有说明关于如何正确配置 PyDev 以使 todo 任务之类的事情正常工作

The getting started guide ( ) has instructions on how to config PyDev properly so that things like todo tasks work properly
