如何将 Eclipse 用作 Javascript IDE?
我从官方下载页面下载了 eclipse Javascript IDE,但是,当我启动应用程序时,它显示Java 运行时环境或 Java 开发工具包必须可用才能运行 eclipse."我已经有一个运行良好的 eclipse 的 java IDE 副本,所以我不明白为什么它要求另一个 JDK.
I downloaded the eclipse Javascript IDE from the official download page however, when i start the application it says "A Java Runtime Environment or Java development Kit must be available in order to run eclipse." I already have a java IDE copy of eclipse that runs fine so I don't understand why its asking for another JDK.
我只想在 Eclipse 中开发 Javascript,有人知道怎么做吗?是否有我打算让它工作的特殊工具或插件?
I just want to develop Javascript in Eclipse, does anyone have any idea how to? Are there special tools or plugins i'm meant to get to get it to work?
为了获得最好的 JS/HTML/CSS 体验,我建议您使用 Aptana 作为插件.在这里你可以下载它http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/download 一定要勾选 Eclipse Plug-in Version 选项.
For best experience doing JS/HTML/CSS I recommend you using Aptana as plugin. Here you can download it http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/download Be sure to check Eclipse Plug-in Version option.