eclipse手动代码折叠类似于visual studio region

visual studio 具有使用区域手动折叠代码的出色功能.我是 eclipse 和 android 的新手,但无法找到如何在 eclipse 中执行此操作.我在eclipse中非常想念这个功能

visual studio has an excellent feature for manual code folding by using regions. i am new to eclipse and android but cant find figure out how to do this in eclipse. i am missing this feature in eclipse desperately


has anyone achieved this in eclipse



我使用 eclipse Coffee-Bytes 插件一年多了.可以配置这个 Eclipse 折叠插件,使其与 Visual Studio 折叠相同.锁定 this 和 这个.希望对你有帮助.

I use eclipse Coffee-Bytes plugin over a year. This eclipse folding plugin can be configured so that it was identical to visual studio folding. Lock this and this. Hope it's help you.
