如何将 Eclipse Classic 升级到 Java EE?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin jakarta-ee eclipse

我想开发 HTML5 网站.我已经为 Android 开发安装了 Java.我的机器上安装了 Eclipse Classic 3.6.现在我希望在同一台机器上安装 Java EE.是否可以?如果是这样,请告诉我如何将 Eclipse Classic 3.6 升级到 Java EE 开发环境.

I want to develop HTML5 websites. I have already installed Java for Android development. I have Eclipse Classic 3.6 installed on my machine. Now I wish to have Java EE on the same machine. Is it possible? If so, let me know how to upgrade Eclipse Classic 3.6 to the Java EE development environment.


您需要将 Web 工具平台 添加到您的 Eclipse 安装中.可以在这里

What you need is Web Tools Platform added to your Eclipse installation. The info on how to accomplish this can be found here
