Java 如何美化 Eclipse IDE 中的 java 代码

2022-01-16 00:00:00 formatting eclipse-plugin java eclipse

我使用 Eclipse Helios 版本作为 IDE 并使用Java.

I am using Eclipse Helios Version as an IDE and developing code using Java.

对我来说,好处是代码运行良好,但坏处是代码看起来不太好(我的意思是在 if-else 语句以及 for 和 while 中使用的控制结构中使用的空格和括号循环散落在各处)

The good thing for me is that the code works well, but the bad thing is that the code doesn't look good ( I mean spaces and brackets used in control structures used in if-else statments as well as for and while loops scattered here and there )

我使用了 Ctrl + Shift + F 以及在线工具 ( 进行格式化,这样看起来更糟.

I have used Ctrl + Shift + F , as well as an online tool ( for formatting , and with this it looks more worse.


As a lot of developers are out here, how do you arrange your code properly and how you make it look good.


Please tell me , I am worried as some senior person might review the code .


尝试更改Window->Preferences->Java->Code Formatter->LineSplittin->最大行长度最多120或140个符号.

Try to change Window->Preferences->Java->Code Formatter->LineSplittin-> Maximum Line length up to 120 or 140 symbols.
