编写自定义 Eclipse 调试器

2022-01-16 00:00:00 debugging eclipse-plugin java eclipse

必须有某种方法可以解决这个问题,而无需编写全新的调试器.我目前正在研究在现有 java 调试器之上构建的方法.如果有人对如何获取 Java 调试器已有的信息(关于堆栈帧、变量、原始数据等)有任何想法,那将非常有帮助.

There must be some way I can approach this without writing a whole new debugger. I'm currently looking into ways to build on top of the existing java debugger. If anyone has any ideas on how to grab information the Java debugger already has (about stack frames, variables, raw data etc.), that would be really helpful.


我想要做的是我有这个基于 Java 的框架/API,我想编写一个针对我的框架定制的 Eclipse 插件调试器.这是一个简单的例子:

What I'm trying to do is I have this framework/API built on Java, and I would like to write an eclipse plugin debugger that is customized to my framework. Here is a simple example:


I have two classes, one called scope and one called variable. The scope holds a map of variables. The code is all in java, but I'm using this scope-variable relationship almost like a new language, and would like a variable debug tab that gives me a list of currently active scopes with the variables that are currently stored inside. Here is some code:

import java.util.Hashtable;

public class Scope {
    private Hashtable<String, Variable> variableList = new Hashtable<String, Variable>();

   // constructor 
    public Scope(){


    public void put(String key, Variable v){
        variableList.put(key, v);

    public Variable get(String key){
        return variableList.get(key);


public class Variable {

    private String value;
    private String name;

    public Variable(String aName, String aValue){
        name = aName;
        value = aValue;

    public String getValue(){
        return value;

    public String getName(){
        return name;

    public void setValue(String aValue){
        value = aValue;


This is obviously an extremely simple example, but I would like to accomplish something similar to this where I can get a variables window, set a breakpoint, and have a "debugger" list out my active scope objects and the variable objects inside.


I've been trying to read and understand: http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Debugger/how-to.html

而且它非常密集(以及非常过时),但我会尝试花一些时间来理解它.我只是想看看是否有人对如何解决此类问题有任何高级建议,因为我在 eclipse 中开发插件或制作调试器的经验很少.

and its pretty dense (as well as extremely outdated), but I will try to take some time to understand it. I just wanted to see if anyone had any high level recommendations on how to approach this type of problem, as I have little experience developing plugins in eclipse or making debuggers.



在 eclipse edc 调试器上工作过,听起来写一个完整的调试器并不是你想要的.

having worked on the eclipse edc debugger, it sounds like writing a whole debugger is not so much what you want.


it sounds like while running the debugger, you will have access to the objects that have the variables and scopes you are interested in.

您可以在类本身中使用 toString() 或使用详细格式化程序来显示所需信息的变体.toString() 调用可以非常详细并嵌套到调用中、显示整个数组等.详细格式化程序也可以非常复杂.

you can use toString() in the classes themselves or use detail formatters to display a variation on the information you want. the toString() call can get quite detailed and nest into calls, show whole arrays, etc. detail formatters can also be quite complex.

参见 http://www.robertwloch.net/2012/01/eclipse-tips-tricks-detail-formatter/.这是几个 URL 中最好的一个(我与作者没有关联).

see http://www.robertwloch.net/2012/01/eclipse-tips-tricks-detail-formatter/ . it's the best of several URLs (i have no association with the author).


once you are happy with the output of the Variable and Scope objects, you should be able to add watch expressions that will always show them in your expressions window (thus you don't have to rely on local variables in the stack frame you may be in).

这应该会为您提供您正在跟踪的框架中的变量和范围列表……希望无需编写整个 Eclipse 调试器插件即可.

this should then give you the list of Variables and Scopes from your framework that you are tracking … hopefully without having to write an entire eclipse debugger plugin to do so.
