在 Eclipse 中,我可以在垂直堆栈而不是水平堆栈中查看当前打开的文件吗?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse


I would find it much easier if the tabs show which files are in the Editor were stacked vertically rather than horizontally. Stacked horizontally means that you run out of room to display file names very fast and makes switching between files time consuming.


Is there an option or a plugin to display the files vertically? (Similar to navigator, but for open files instead of project files) I can't seem to find one.


Eclipse 3.8

CTRL+G 会弹出一个编辑器对话框,如下图所示:

Eclipse 3.8

CTRL+G brings up an Editors dialog as shown in this screen capture:

CTRL+E 弹出此屏幕截图中显示的弹出窗口:

CTRL+E brings up the pop-up shown in this screen capture:
