如何在启动时自动在 Eclipse 中运行插件代码?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse

我想创建一个在用户打开 Eclipse IDE 后自动在后台运行的 Eclipse 插件.

I want to create an Eclipse plugin that automatically runs in the background, as soon as the user opens the Eclipse IDE.

例如,我正在构建一个获取当前活动文件地址的 Java Eclipse 插件,但我希望该插件始终在后台运行,而无需用户手动运行.

For example, I am building a Java Eclipse plugin that gets the current active file address, but I would like this plugin to always run in the background without user having to run it manually.



org.eclipse.ui.startup 扩展点允许您定义一个在工作台初始化期间提前运行的类.

The org.eclipse.ui.startup extension point lets you define a class that is run early during workbench initialization.


<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.startup">
   <startup class="package.StartupClass"/>


the class specified must implement the org.eclipse.ui.IStartup interface.

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