Kepler 和 Mac OS 的 PyDev 安装问题

2022-01-16 00:00:00 pydev macos eclipse-plugin eclipse

我在 OS X 上安装了 Eclipse (Kepler),最近更新到 Maverick.从那以后我没有启动 Eclipse.昨天我做了,它告诉我有可用的更新.我安装了它们,结果 Eclipse 不记得有 PyDev 的透视图.

I have Eclipse (Kepler) installed on OS X and updated recently to Maverick. Since then I didn't start Eclipse. Yesterday I did and it told me that there are update available. I installed them, with the result that Eclipse didn't remember to have a perspective for PyDev.

我卸载了 PyDev,重新安装了它,从那以后它甚至没有出现在首选项中.我可以再次卸载它,这意味着 Eclipse 知道它在那里,但根本无法配置它.

I uninstalled PyDev, reinstalled it and since then it doesn't even appear in the preferences. I can uninstall it again, meaning Eclipse knows it is there, but there is simply no way to configure it.

今天我破坏了整个 Eclipse,下载了一个新的并通过更新站点安装了 PyDev...同样的故事!

Today I trashed the whole Eclipse, downloaded a fresh one and installed PyDev via the update site... Same story!

有人在 OS X 上遇到过同样的问题吗?

Has anybody the same problem on OS X?



在最近更新 Eclipse Kepler 和 PyDev 3.0.x 之后,我在 Windows 7 上看到了这个.PyDev 站点声明最新的 PyDev 需要 Java 7.如果您没有 Java 7,请使用 PyDev 2.(,在Release 3.0"标题下).我使用 Java 6 来启动 Eclipse.

I've seen this on Windows 7, after a recent update to Eclipse Kepler and PyDev 3.0.x. The PyDev site states that the latest PyDev requires Java 7. If you don't have Java 7, use PyDev 2. (, under the "Release 3.0" title"). I'm using Java 6 to launch Eclipse.

我会检查您正在运行的 Java 和 PyDev 的版本.

I would check the versions of Java and PyDev you're running.
