我如何从 SVN 存储库中签出一个 android 项目

我有一个 android 项目,我已将它添加到 SVN 存储库.这些是我添加的目录/文件

I have an android project and I have added it to an SVN repository. These are the directories/files I have added


Directories : res, src, lib,

文件:AndroidManiFest.xml、project.properties、proguard.cfg 和 2 个启动文件

Files : AndroidManiFest.xml, project.properties, proguard.cfg, and 2 launch files

但是,当我执行以下操作时,我无法将文件创建为 android 项目

However, when i do the following, I'm not able to create the file as an android project

  1. 通过SVN签出导入项目(这是项目A)
  2. 在eclipse中使用create new project创建新项目-步骤为:Create New Projects->来自现有源代码的 Android 项目


Are thee some files that I have not committed or am I doing something wrong when I'm creating the new project?


我花了很多时间尝试将 Android 项目从基于 Web 的 SVN 提供程序导入 Eclipse (Juno).

I spent a lot of time trying to import an Android project from a web based SVN provider into Eclipse (Juno).


Seeing how hard it was for me to find out the correct steps, I leave here my suggestion with screenshots. Enjoy!

  • 您必须已经安装和配置了 SVN.Eclipse 中不需要以前的项目

由于之前的尝试,我已经正确配置了与提供程序的连接.YMYV 在这里.

我使用 SVNKit 1.7,因为它可以在工作中通过代理正常工作.


选择 Checkout 作为项目




I added descriptions into the images, for your viewing pleasure. Hope it saves someone a lot of time as it did to me after figuring out the correct steps.
