Eclipse 插件更新错误日志在哪里?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 logging eclipse-plugin eclipse

当我尝试更新一个 Eclipse 插件时,它显示以下错误,但我在 Eclipse 文件夹下没有找到任何内容,日志路径在哪里?

when I try to update one Eclipse plugin, it show the following error, but I did not find anything under Eclipse folder, where is the log path?

an error has occurred, see the error log for details



日志位于当前工作空间:{workspace_path}/.metadata/.log - 您也可以在视图错误日志"中查看此日志:Window >显示视图 > 其他 > 在此处查找错误日志"

The log is located at current workspace: {workspace_path}/.metadata/.log - also you can view this log in view "Error Log": Window > Show View > Other > Find here "Error Log"
