给定一个 Java 文件的文件夹,是否有一个 Eclipse 插件来绘制 UML 类图?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse uml class-diagram



以下是我所知道的关于 UML 类图的 2 个有效的免费 Eclipse 插件:



The title says it all. Please suggest.


Here are the 2 valid free Eclipse plugins I know about regarding UML class diagrams:

  • ObjectAidUML

It uses the UML notation to show a graphical representation of existing code that is as accurate and up-to-date as your text editor, while being very easy to use.

The recommended way is a remote Eclipse update site with the following information:

Name: ObjectAid UML Explorer
URL: http://www.objectaid.com 

  • eUML2

It has a free version which includes class diagrams.
