使用 Eclipse 3.6.1 正确安装 Android SDK、ADT

按照已发布的 Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic 和 Android SDK 说明,ADT(其中 OS 2.3 是最新的)遗漏了几个步骤.在 Eclipse 中加载 ADT 之前,一切似乎都正常.在执行此操作之前,将以下依赖项站点添加到列表中并启用它们,以便 ADT 安装程序获取所有依赖项(感谢 MissKaho 提供的简明列表).

Following the posted instructions for Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic and Android SDK, ADT (where OS 2.3 is the most current) misses a few steps. Everything seems to work up until the point of loading the ADT in Eclipse. Prior to doing this add the following dependency sites to the list and enable them so that the ADT installer will pickup all the dependencies (thanks MissKaho for the concise list).

Eclipse GEF - download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/releases/

Eclipse GEF - download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/releases/

Eclipse EMF - download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/updates/releases/

Eclipse EMF - download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/updates/releases/

Eclipse GMF - 下载.eclipse.org/modeling/gmf/updates/releases

Eclipse GMF - download.eclipse.org/modeling/gmf/updates/releases

Eclipse Webtools - download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/

Eclipse Webtools - download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/

Google eclipse 插件 - dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.6

Google eclipse Plugin - dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.6


我可以确认它确实适用于 3.6.1.

I can confirm that it does work with 3.6.1.

我的回答是让其他 stackoverflow 用户有机会解决我为使 Eclipse 和 Android SDK 正确运行而遭受的痛苦.我对大量的指南、教程和帖子都遗漏了成功完成操作所必需的关键假设/事实感到惊讶.

I an answer as a question to allow other stackoverflow users an opportunity to get around the pain I had to suffer to get Eclipse and Android SDK running correctly. I was amazed at the number of guides, tutorials and posts that left out critical assumptions/facts necessary to successfully complete an action.

因此,对于因我将答案作为问题发布而受到冒犯的任何人,我深表歉意 (:-)).

So, for any that are offended by my posting a answer as a question, my apologizes (:-)).


If it helps consider my original entry as a pre-answer.
