如何添加到“错误日志"中?Eclipse 中的部分?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin error-log java eclipse

我正在尝试制作一个 Eclipse 插件,让不懂英语的学生能够编写代码.所以我想把他[用他自己的语言]编码的错误,翻译出来,放在错误日志里,让他看到和理解.

I am trying to make an Eclipse plugin that enables a student with no knowledge of English to code. So I want to take the errors of what he coded [in his own language], translate them and put them in the Error Log for him to see and understand.


How can I write in the "Error Log"?



I'm unclear of the use case here. But based on partial understanding, here is what you can do. You can wrap each exception/error with your exception hierarchy with language/locale of your choice and then print out wrapped error/exception into it. Keep this log file in the project path, so it will be accessible from within. Parse it and display it as and when it gets updated. So instead of checking the error log panel, you can see your log file for the reference.
