如何使用 IResourceChangeListener 检测文件重命名并动态设置 EditorPart 名称?

IResourceChangeListener 侦听项目工作区中的更改,例如,如果编辑器部件文件名已更改.

IResourceChangeListener listens to changes in project workspace for example if the editor part file name has changed.

我想知道如何访问特定的 EditorPart 并相应地更改其标题名称(例如使用 .setPartName),或者可能刷新编辑器以使其显示新名称自动.

I want to know how to access that particular EditorPart and change its title name accordingly (e.g. with .setPartName), or maybe the refresh the editor so that it shows the new name automatically.

理想的情况是 IResourceChangeListener 具有 Rename 事件类型但似乎不是 案例.

Ideal would be if the IResourceChangeListener has a Rename event type but does not seem to be the case.



IResourceChangeListener 使用 REMOVED 类型和 MOVED_TO 标志).您可以在 IResourceDelta 中使用

The IResourceChangeListener does fire for rename/move events using a combination of the REMOVED kind and a MOVED_TO flag). You can test for that in the IResourceDelta with

public void resourceChanged(final IResourceChangeEvent event)
  IResourceDelta delta = event.getDelta();

  // Look for change to our file

  delta = delta.findMember(IPath of file being edited);
  if (delta == null)

  if delta.getKind() == IResourceDelta.REMOVED
     if ((delta.getFlags() & IResourceDelta.MOVED_TO) != 0)
        IPath newPath = delta.getMovedToPath();

        ... handle new path


The code to handle the new path might be something like:

IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(newPath);
if (file != null)
   setInput(new FileEditorInput(file));


   ... anything else required 
