在 Eclipse PDT 中仍然需要聪明的语法高亮

如何在 Eclipse PDT 中获得 smarty 语法高亮显示?

How do I get smarty syntax highlighting in Eclipse PDT?

我能找到的唯一项目是 SmartyPDT,但它已经过时并且不是'不适用于我当前的 Eclipse 安装(PDT All in one,Eclipse 3.5).

The only project I was able to find is SmartyPDT, but it's outdated and isn't working with my current Eclipse install (PDT All in one, with Eclipse 3.5).


I recently found this post asking the same question from a long time ago. But the plugin linked in the accepted answer there is out of date now.


removed "(no accepted answer)" from title. it was misleading.


我使用过 SmartyPDT 和 SSE*.

I've used both SmartyPDT and SSE*.

SmartyPDT 很挑剔,我花了一些时间才让它发挥作用.不幸的是,在重新安装操作系统后,我的自定义 jar 不再工作,所以我一直在使用 SSE.

SmartyPDT is finicky and it took some time for me to get it working. Unfortunately, after an OS reinstall my custom jars don't work anymore, so I've been using SSE.


It is quite basic but better than nothing.

在 bar54 有英文描述.

从 谷歌翻译版.


SSE 示例 http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/1c07de77d7.png


*I guess this is what it's called, the page is in Japanese.
