Eclipse Plugin - 如何获得最后一个工作的编辑器

我正在编写一个 Eclipse 插件,它通过几个按钮向用户展示一个视图.单击任何按钮时,我想将某个评论粘贴到用户当前正在工作的编辑器窗口中以及他指向的光标位置.

I am writing an eclipse plugin which exposes a view to the user with several buttons. On the click of any button, I would like to paste a certain comment into the editor window where the user is currently working and at the cursor location he is pointing to.


Once the user clicks the button, the editor window no longer has focus and the following code does not work.



How can I detect the editor window where the user was working and the cursor location before the user clicked the button?


使用 IPartListener 来监听部件激活事件.

Use an IPartListener to listen to part activation events.


Set the listener up in your view initialization:


(不要忘记在视图 dispose 中移除监听器).

(and don't forget to remove the listener in the view dispose).


Among other things this will give you part activation events:

public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPart part)

如果 partIEditorPart 的一个实例,那么它就是一个被激活的编辑器.所以你只需要跟踪这个激活的编辑器.

If part is an instance of IEditorPart then it is an editor being activated. So you just need to keep track of this activated editor.
