显示 Tomcat 管理器应用程序?

使用本教程 http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/deploy/viewerSetup.php#install_viewer

它告诉我通过这个链接 http://localhost:8080/manager/html 显示 Tomcat 管理器应用程序.

And it tells me to display the Tomcat manager application through this link http://localhost:8080/manager/html.

但是,当我单击它时,我的浏览器出现错误,提示无法连接.为什么是这样?Tomcat Manager Application 究竟是如何显示的

However when I click it I get an error from my browser saying it could not connect. Why is this? How exactly does one display the Tomcat Manager Application


如果您从 Eclipse 中启动 tomcat(使用 webtools tomcat 服务器适配器),您必须确保您已将设置更改为使用安装目录启动而不是默认使用单独的位置来加载和部署 web 应用程序.因此,仅在 tomcat 安装中的 webapps 中有管理器并不足以看到管理器,因为默认情况下 Eclipse 启动的 tomcat 不会在 webapps 文件夹中查找应用程序.

If you are launching tomcat from within Eclipse (using the webtools tomcat server adapter) you will have to make sure you have changed the settings to use the installation directory to launch instead of the default which uses a separate location for loading and deploying webapps. So just having the manager in your webapps in the tomcat installation wont be enough to see the manager since by default tomcat launched by Eclipse doesn't look for apps in the webapps folder.

只要确保 catalina.base 和 catalina.home 指向 tomcat 安装目录

Just make sure that catalina.base and catalina.home point to the tomcat installation directory
