基于 Eclipse JSDT 的编辑器的内容辅助
在 Eclipse 中,内容辅助通常由实现 IContentAssistProcessor
(JavaDoc, 例子)
In Eclipse content assist is usually implemented by some class that implements IContentAssistProcessor
(JavaDoc, example)
如何为基于 JSDT 的编辑器实现相同的 CompletionProposal
How to implement the same CompletionProposal
s for JSDT based Editor?
我知道的唯一例子是 http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/jsdt-jquery/ ,但它很大且不清楚如何扩展 JSDT 以进行代码辅助.
The only example I know is http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/jsdt-jquery/ , but it is large and unclear how to extend JSDT for code assist.
JSDT 中还有其他 API 吗?请指出要使用的 API.
Are there other APIs in JSDT? Please point to APIs to use.
你需要实现完成提议扩展点.在那里,您必须指定一个实现必要接口的类,但它与非常通用的 IContentAssistProcessor 不同.
You need to implement the completion proposal extension point of the JSDT editor. In there you have to specify a class implementing the necessary interface, but it is a different one than the very generic IContentAssistProcessor.
根据您的用例,您可能还想查看相关的 quickAssist 和 quickFix 扩展点.
Depending on your use case you may also want to have a look at the related quickAssist and quickFix extension points.