如何为 Eclipse PDE 安装源代码/javadoc?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse jface

我已经通过 http://download.eclipse.org/releases 在我的 Eclipse 3.8 上安装了插件开发环境/juno 更新站点.现在在插件依赖项"树下的 PDE 项目中,我看到所有 PDE JAR 都将源设置附加到相同的 JAR.然而,JAR 不包含任何源文件 - 仅包含类文件.

I have installed Plugin Development Environment on my Eclipse 3.8 via http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno update site. Now in PDE projects under the "Plugin Dependencies" tree I see that all PDE JARs have attached source set to the same JARs. Yet, the JARs do not contain any sources - only class files.

因此,我看不到用于 PDE/JFace 类的 Javadoc,并且对于自动生成的代码,我看到了丑陋的 arg0、arg1 等.

Because of this I see no Javadoc for PDE/JFace classes and get ugly arg0, arg1, etc for auto-generated code.

在哪里以及如何获取 PDE/JFace 的源代码或 Javadoc?

Where and how can I get sources or Javadoc for PDE/JFace?



First, I tried to reproduce your problem.

  • 从您提供的位置下载了 Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary
  • 已安装插件开发工具 -> 既不是源代码也不是 Javadocs


  • 帮助 -> 安装新软件
  • 使用Eclipse 项目更新"(不是 Juno 主站点!)
  • 安装了Eclipse RCP 插件开发人员资源"

这为我提供了新创建的Hello World"插件项目中所有插件依赖项的源代码和 Javadocs.Eclipse 安装的大小仅增加了 10 MB,总大小为 116 MB.

This gave me sources and Javadocs for all the Plugin Dependencies in a newly created 'Hello World' Plugin Project. The size of the Eclipse installation increase by only 10 MB to a total of 116 MB.
