Eclipse 的最佳 UML 插件

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java uml

我刚刚继承了一个 J2SE 项目,并将在 Eclipse 上处理它.我想从现有代码中获取一些图表,并且正在寻找与 Eclipse 一起使用的优秀 UML 插件.

I just inherited a J2SE project and will be working on it on Eclipse. I'd like to get some diagrams out of the existing code and I'm looking for good UML plugins to use with Eclipse.



老实说,我认为你最好的选择根本不是 Eclipse 插件,而是 Sparx Systems 的 Enterprise Architect.它的成本是合理的(专业版 200-300 美元),它可以将现有的代码库逆向工程为 UML.我已经在几个项目中使用过它,每当我需要对现有项目进行 20,000 英尺的概览时,我发现它非常宝贵.

Honestly, I think your best bet isn't an Eclipse plugin at all, but Enterprise Architect by Sparx Systems. Its cost is reasonable ($200-300 US for the Professional version), and it can reverse engineer an existing code base into UML. I've used it on several projects, and have found it invaluable whenever I needed the 20,000-foot overview on an existing project.

另外,我没有广泛使用它的 UML 功能,但 MyEclipse(65 美元)声称还具有逆向工程能力.

Also, I haven't used its UML capabilities extensively, but MyEclipse (for $65 US) claims to have reverse-engineering capabilities as well.
