将旧插件复制到新安装的 eclipse 中的简单方法

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse

有没有一种简单的方法可以将旧版本的 Eclipse 中的插件列表转换为最新版本.我有我想要的所有插件的当前版本.现在我想升级到漂亮的新版本,但我需要确保我当前的所有插件列表都能正常工作.我宁愿不得不寻找和啄以安装最新版本的插件.我认为旧安装中会有一个文件,我可以将其复制到新安装中并告诉 eclipse 安装所有这些插件(如果兼容).

Is there an easy way to get a list of the plugins from an old version of Eclipse into the latest version. I have my current version with all the plugins I want. Now I want to upgrade to the nice shiny and new version but I need to make sure all my current list of plugins work. I would prefer to have to hunt and peck to install plugins in the latest version. I would think there would be a file in the old installation I could just copy into the new installation and tell eclipse install all these plugins if compatible.




If your old version is at least 3.7, then you can do this:

  • 在旧安装中使用文件 -> 导出 -> 安装 -> 已安装的软件项到文件 以创建包含当前安装功能的文件.
  • 在您的新安装中使用文件 -> 导入 -> 安装 -> 文件中的软件项.将其指向上面的文件,并确保选中安装最新版本".
  • Use File -> Export -> Install -> Installed software items to file in your old installation to create a file containing the currently installed features.
  • Use File -> Import -> Install -> Software items from file in your new installation. Point it to the file from above and make sure to check "Install latest versions".
