如何从声纳分析中排除一些 Maven 项目

2022-01-16 00:00:00 sonarqube eclipse-plugin java eclipse maven

我有很多(比如说 10 个(A、B、C...))基于 maven 的 eclipse 插件.

I have many(Let say 10 (A, B, C...)) eclipse plugin which is maven based.

我有一个包含所有其他插件项目的主 pom 文件.现在通过构建具有 sonar:sonar 目标的主文件,它将构建所有插件.

I have one master pom file which includes all other plugin projects. now by building master file with sonar:sonar goal it will build all the plugins.

所以我的问题:有什么办法可以排除一些插件,比如 A 和 C.?

So my question: Is there is any way so that I can exclude some plugin let say A and C.?


注意:此属性自 4.3 版起已弃用,不应再使用.

NOTE: This property is deprecated since version 4.3 and should not be used anymore.

来自 文档,有一个使用 sonar.skippedModules

您也可以从声纳管理页面执行此操作,如跳过模块部分中所述 这里.

You could also do this from the sonar admin page as documented in the Skipping Modules section here.
