Subclipse 错误——Subversion 本机库不可用

2022-01-16 00:00:00 svn eclipse-plugin eclipse subclipse

每次加载基于 Subversion 的 PHP 项目时,我都会收到以下消息...

I am getting the following message everytime the PHP project based on Subversion loads...

显然,操作系统是 Mac OSX Mountain Lion.我也按照链接中的说明进行操作,但它仍然出现在完全随机的时间.然而,颠覆行动似乎运作良好.

Obviously shown, the OS is a Mac OSX Mountain Lion. I have also followed the instructions within the link, and it still appears at completely random times. However, subversion actions seem to work fine.



窗口 -> 首选项 -> 团队 -> SVN,

Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN,

在右侧面板SVN 界面"区域.
您可能会发现client"设置为JavaHL(JNI) Not Available".
将其更改为SVNKit(Pure Java) SVNKit vx.x"

at right panel "SVN interface" zone.
You may find "client" is set to "JavaHL(JNI) Not Available".
Change it to "SVNKit(Pure Java) SVNKit vx.x"
