在 Eclipse 中安装 PMD 5.0.4

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java eclipse pmd

谁能告诉我如何在 Eclipse 中安装 PMD.我已经从以下链接下载了 PMD 5.0.4:

Can anybody tell me how to install PMD in Eclipse. I have downloaded PMD 5.0.4 from the following link:


当我在 Eclipse 安装选项中添加此存档文件时,我收到一条错误消息,指出找不到指定的文件".

When I add this archive file in Eclipse install option I am getting an error stating that "It could not find the file specified".


只需按照 http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmd/files/pmd-eclipse/update-site/我在这里为您复制了方向,因此您甚至不必单击!

Just follow the directions on http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmd/files/pmd-eclipse/update-site/ I copied the direction here for you so you don't even have to click !!

在 Eclipse 中,点击帮助 -> 安装新软件...

In Eclipse, click on Help -> Install New Software...


Click on Add.. Enter the following:

名称:Eclipse 更新站点的 PMD

Name: PMD for Eclipse Update Site



您应该会看到 PMD for Eclipse 4.选中它旁边的复选框并单击 Next >.

You should see PMD for Eclipse 4. Select the checkbox next to it and click Next >.


You'll need to accept the license and confirm you want to install a plugin that is not digitally signed. Go ahead and install it anyway.

