暂时禁用 Eclipse 插件

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse

有没有办法在不实际卸载的情况下禁用 Eclipse 插件?

Is there a way to disable an Eclipse plugin without actually uninstalling it?

(Eclipse 3.3 有一个禁用"按钮,但现在 Eclipse 3.4+ 中没有这个按钮.)

(Eclipse 3.3 had a "disable" button but this is now missing from Eclipse 3.4+.)


一些插件允许控制它们的加载启动行为.这些将列在首选项中,在常规 → 启动和关闭下.如果插件提供视图,您将需要关闭这些视图(在所有透视图中)才能正常工作.

Some plugins allow controlling their load-on-startup behavior. These will be listed in the preferences, under General → Startup and Shutdown. If the plugin provides view, you will need to close those views (in all perspectives) for this to work.
