创建带有文本悬停的 Eclipse 插件

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java

我想做一个 Eclipse 插件(文本编辑器).我会阅读"光标下的文本并显示取决于文本的动态生成悬停.现在我的问题是我不知道如何阅读文本并添加"悬停.

I would like to make a Eclipse plugin (text editor). I would "read" the text under the cursor and show a dynamical generated hover that depends on the text. Now I have the problem that I don't know how I can read the text and "add" the hover.

这是我的第一个 Eclipse 插件,所以我很高兴能得到每一个提示.

It's my first Eclipse Plugin so I am happy for each tip I can get.

我想将它集成到默认的 Eclipse Java 编辑器中.我曾尝试使用编辑器模板创建一个新的 plugin,但我认为这是错误的方式.

I'd like to integrate it into the default Eclipse Java editor. I have tried to create a new plugin with a editor template but I think it is the wrong way.


来自 PKeidel 的答案正是我想要的 :)

The answer from PKeidel is exactly what I'm looking for :)

感谢 PKeidel


你的错是你创建了一个全新的编辑器,而不是为现有的 Java 编辑器创建一个插件.插件将通过 extension points 激活.在您的情况下,您必须使用 org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaEditorTextHovers 更多....

Your fault is that you created a completly new Editor instead of a plugin for the existing Java Editor. Plugins will be activated via extension points. In your case you have to use org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaEditorTextHovers more....



class 参数保存实现 IJavaEditorTextHover 的类的路径.

public class LangHover implements IJavaEditorTextHover
    public String getHoverInfo(ITextViewer textviewer, IRegion region)
           return "Your own hover Text goes here"";
         return null; // Shows the default Hover (Java Docs)

