如何在 Android 布局编辑器中打开布局 xml 文件?

当我打开我的布局 xml 文件时,它会使用默认 xml 编辑器打开,如何在不右键单击并使用选项打开的情况下将其更改为 Android 布局编辑器.

when I open my layout xml files its opening with default xml editor how to change it to Android Layout Editor without right click and open with option.

当我尝试将我的 android sdk 和 eclipse 插件更新为 iceCream Sandwitch(ICS) 时出现问题.

problem happens when I try to updated my android sdk and eclipse plugins to iceCream Sandwitch(ICS).


转到 Window->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations 并在此处设置默认编辑器.

Go to Window->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations and set your default editor there.
