Qt Eclipse 集成插件是否仍可供下载?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 qt eclipse-plugin eclipse

我想开始在 Eclipse IDE 中使用 Qt 开发一个新的 C++ 应用程序.我从诺基亚读到了一个 Qt 集成插件,但找不到它可以下载,也没有任何官方声明它是否已停产或重命名.

I want to start developing a new C++ application with Qt in the Eclipse IDE. I read about a Qt integration plugin from Nokia but can not find it to download, nor any official statement whether it is been discontinued or renamed.

Eclipse 是否还有 Qt GUI 插件?

Is there still a Qt GUI plugin for Eclipse?


很久以前就停止了它的工作,当 Qt 成为开源时,它已经过时了,它从下载页面中删除了.Windows 版本仍可在 Softpedia 不过.

Work was stopped on it a long time ago, and when Qt became open-source it had become so out of date it was removed from the downloads page. The Windows version is still available at Softpedia though.

我必须说,如果我是你,我会使用 Qt Creator.在过去的几年里,它的开发速度加快了,在 Qt 工作方面它比 Eclipse 好得多(我实际上也更喜欢它用于一般 C++ 工作).

I must say, if I were you, I would use Qt Creator. Development on it has accelerated in the last couple of years and it is much better than Eclipse for Qt work (I actually prefer it for general C++ work as well).
