Eclipse android sdk bundle 无法打开 Android SDK Manager

2022-01-16 00:00:00 android eclipse-plugin java eclipse

我在我的新笔记本(Window 7 64 位)中下载了新的 Android 和 Eclipse 包,然后我打开了以前在 PC 上工作的旧文件.当我打开时,它显示了一些关于版本 API 的错误,我应该修复它在 SDK 管理器中,但是当我尝试打开 SDK 管理器时,它不会运行并在控制台中显示此错误.

I downloaded new Android and Eclipse bundle in my new notebook (Window 7 64 bit) then I open my old files that I used to work in PC.When I open, it shows some error about version API and that I should fix it in SDK Manager, But when I try to open the SDK Manager it won't run and shows this error in console.

[2555-11-20 10:27:27 - Dex Loader] SecurityException: Unable to find field for dex.jar
[2555-11-20 10:36:02 - SDK Manager] [SDK Manager] Failed to convert path to a short DOS path: C:Windowssystem32java.exe



android_sdk oolslib 中有一个名为 find_java.bat 的批处理文件.它调用 find_java.exe -s 来查找潜在 Java 位置的列表.像这样运行 exe 文件会返回我一直看到的错误:

In android_sdk oolslib there's a batch-file called find_java.bat. It calls find_java.exe -s to find a list of potential Java locations. Running the exe file like this returns the error I've been seeing:

Failed to convert path to short DOS path: c:windowssystem32java.exe

-s 代表简称.在没有 -s 的情况下运行它会导致 find_java.exe 工作,find_java.bat 工作,导致其他一切工作.所以修复方法是编辑 find_java.bat,并删除 -s .

-s stands for short. Running it without the -s causes find_java.exe to work, causing find_java.bat to work, causing everything else to work. So the fix was to edit find_java.bat, and remove the -s .
