如何在 Eclipse Classic 中安装 Eclipse Marketplace?

我正在运行 Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic,默认情况下它不附带 Eclipse Marketplace 插件.我浏览了 Eclipse 网站,但没有看到用于安装 Eclipse Marketplace 的可用插件.我只是没看到吗?

I'm running Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic, which does not come with the Eclipse Marketplace plugin by default. I've looked around the Eclipse website, but I don't see an available plugin for installing Eclipse Marketplace. Am I just not seeing it?


帮助 →安装新软件 →切换到 Kepler 存储库 →通用工具 →市场客户

Help → Install new Software → Switch to the Kepler Repository → General Purpose Tools → Marketplace Client

如果您使用 Eclipse Luna SR 1,则发布的 Marketplace 包含错误;您必须从 Marketplace 更新站点安装它.这在 Luna SR 2 中再次得到修复.

If you use Eclipse Luna SR 1, the released Marketplace contains a bug; you have to install it from the Marketplace update site. This is fixed again in Luna SR 2.


  • Luna - http://download.eclipse.org/mpc/luna
  • Helios - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/helios
  • Juno - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno
  • 火星 - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/mars
