解释 eclipse .classpath 文件.'kind="con"' 是什么意思和“出口="真“"意思是?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java eclipse classpath


This is the eclipse .classpath file of the eclipse plugin program that I downloaded.

我认为 kind="src"kind="output" 非常简单,因为它们意味着源 java 文件和编译的类文件的位置位于.

I think that kind="src" and kind="output" is pretty straight forward, as they means the where the source java files and compiled class files are located.

kind="lib" 似乎表示插件正在引用的 jar 文件,但我有一些我不确定的东西.

The kind="lib" seems to indicate the jar files the plugin is referencing, but I have something that I'm not sure about.

  • kind="con" 是什么意思?
  • exported="true" 是什么?我认为为了使用这个插件,插件引用的所有jar文件都应该导出,但只导出其中的一部分.
  • What does the kind="con" mean?
  • What is it for the exported="true"? I think in order to use this plugin, all the jar files that the plugin refers to should be exported, but only some of them are exported.


1) 在kind="con"中,con代表容器,由eclipse 作为 类路径容器.如该链接所述:

1) In kind="con", the con stands for container, which is interpreted by eclipse as a classpath container. As described in that link:

类路径容器提供了一种间接引用一组通过 CPE_CONTAINER 类路径条目的类路径条目

A classpath container provides a way to indirectly reference a set of classpath entries through a classpath entry of kind CPE_CONTAINER


In other words, it enables grouping of other classpath entries in any way and re-use it wherever (including the ability of having different entries for different projects).

2) 导出:假设您有依赖于项目 C 的项目 B.依赖项定义为 exported=true.然后,依赖于项目 B 的另一个项目 A 也将在 A'a 类路径上存在项目 C.

2) exported: Say you have Project B that depends on Project C. The dependency is defined as exported=true. Then, another Project A that depends on Project B, will have also Project C present on A'a classpath.
