如何在 Eclipse 中为 Android 应用程序设计获取图形布局窗口?

我不知道发生了什么,但我丢失了我们在 Eclipce 中用于设计 Android 应用程序的 XML 布局的图形布局窗口.我想要那个设计窗口回来.我可以看到 xml 代码和所有内容...但我希望在将 Android 集成到其中后,默认情况下在 Eclipse 中可用的设计编辑器.

I dont know what happend, but i lost the Graphical Layout Window of the XML Layout that we are using in Eclipce to design the Android Application. I want that Design window back. I can see the xml code and every thing. . . But i want the Design Editor that is available as by default in the Eclipse after integration of the Android in it.



没有人回答我的问题,但是通过在 Eclipse 上搜索我得到了答案:

No one has answered my question, but by searching on Eclipse I got the answer:

我必须右键单击 XML 代码布局,然后选择 Open With Layout Editor.它将显示我的应用程序的图形布局编辑器,现在我可以看到 XML 布局文件的图形视图.

I have to right click on the XML code layout and then select Open With Layout Editor. It will show me the Graphical Layout Editor for my Application and now I am able to see the graphical view on the XML layout files.
