备份 Eclipse 插件和设置

2022-01-16 00:00:00 backup eclipse-plugin eclipse

我正在使用 Eclipse,并且安装和配置了很多插件以满足我的需要.有什么好的方法可以备份这些插件和它们的配置.我希望能够在 futures eclipse 版本(只要它们兼容)和不同的 PC 上重播这些插件.

I'm using Eclipse and have plenty of plugins installed and configured to my needs. Is there any good way to backup these plugins and the configuration of them. I want to be able to replay these plugins in futures eclipse version (as long as they are compatible) and on different PCs.

我知道我可以简单地归档整个 eclipse/ 文件夹,但我觉得这有点不雅.

I know I could simply archive the whole eclipse/ folder, but I find this a little inelegant.



  1. 在 Eclipse 安装之间复制您的设置
  2. 在 Eclipse 安装之间复制已安装的插件

#1 很容易做到.您可以从 File -> Export... -> Preferences 导出您的 Eclipse 首选项.生成的文件包含您对每个已安装插件的所有首选项.它可以在 Eclipse 安装和版本之间移植.

#1 is easy to do. You can export your Eclipse preferences from the File -> Export... -> Preferences. The resulting file contains all of your preferences for each installed plugin. It is portable between Eclipse installs and versions.

#2 并不是真正的Eclipse"做事方式.这是可能的,但您需要以不同的方式构建已安装的插件.您可以使用 dropins 文件夹,而不是使用标准更新管理器来安装插件.您需要做的是将要在多个安装中共享的每个功能和插件复制到具有以下结构的 zip 文件中:

#2 is not really the "Eclipse" way of doing things. It is possible, but you need to structure your installed plugins differently. Rather than using the standard update manager to install your plugins, you can use the dropins folder. What you need to do is to copy every feature and plugin that you want to be shared across multiple installs into a zip file with the following structure:


然后你可以将文件解压到你想要的所有 Eclipse 的 dropins 文件夹中.

Then you can unzip the file into the dropins folder of all the Eclipses that you want.

关于 dropins 的更多信息:http://help.eclipse.org/helios/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/misc/p2_dropins_format.html

More information on dropins: http://help.eclipse.org/helios/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/misc/p2_dropins_format.html
