需要有关 Apple OS X 的替代 JVM 的指导

2022-01-16 00:00:00 macos jvm java

Apple 已经弃用了他们的 JVM,它可能在未来的 OS X 版本中不受支持.我主要不是 Java 开发人员,但我偶尔会编写 Java 应用程序,以及主要应用程序我致力于使用 Tomcat 和 Opal 为用 C 编写的命令行可执行文件提供 SOAP 接口.

Apple has deprecated their JVM and it may not be supported in future versions of OS X. I am not primarily a Java developer, but I do write Java applications now and then, and the primary application I work on uses Tomcat and Opal to provide a SOAP interface to command line executables written in C.

我不断看到建议直接使用另一个 JVM,但这似乎是可笑的油嘴滑舌.在这一点上,我相信在 OS X 上运行的 Oracle JVM 纯粹是一种假设.这似乎是一个合理的解决方案,但鉴于苹果、甲骨文和谷歌似乎处于三人对决,我担心它可能会延迟相当长的一段时间.

I keep seeing suggestions to simply use another JVM, but this seems seem ridiculously glib. At this point I believe an Oracle JVM that runs on OS X is purely a hypothetical. It seems like a reasonable solution, but given that Apple, Oracle, and Google seem to be in a 3-way pissing match, I fear it may be delayed for quite some time.

我一直被指向 OpenJDK,但这似乎需要从源代码构建 JVM.这对我个人来说很好,但对我的最终用户来说不是很好.我还指出了从 OpenJDK 构建的 Soy Latte 二进制发行版,但这是 X11 而不是本机实现,并且似乎需要 Java 研究许可证.

I keep getting pointed to the OpenJDK, but this seems to require building the JVM from source. That's fine for me personally, but not so great for my end users. I'm also pointed to the Soy Latte binary distribution built from the OpenJDK, but this is an X11 rather then a native implementation, and seems to be require a Java Research License.

谁能给我指出其他适用于 OS X 的 JVM,或者让我了解我对 OpenJDK 和 SoyLatte 的任何误解?

Can somebody point me to other JVMs for OS X, or disabuse me of any misconceptions I have about OpenJDK and SoyLatte?


目前没有其他成熟的 OS X JVM 比 Apple 提供的.没有必要创建一个,因为 Apple 已经提供了一个,而且 OpenJDK 还没有引起足够的兴趣和工作来为 OS X 提供生产级版本.

There is current no other mature JVM's for OS X than the one Apple provides. There has been no need to create one as Apple already provided one and the OpenJDK has not yet received interest and work enough to provide a production level version for OS X.

Apple 为使其与 Aqua 一起工作而编写的所有代码均未开放,因此无法重复使用.我们所拥有的只是只有 Windows 和 X11 前端的 OpenJDK,因此可以要求 Apple 将 Aqua 代码捐赠给 OpenJDK,或者必须重新开始工作以创建新的 Aqua 前端.

All the code Apple wrote to make it work well with Aqua is not open, so it cannot be reused. All we have is the OpenJDK which only has Windows and X11 frontend, so either Apple can be asked to donate the Aqua code to OpenJDK or work has to start over to create a new Aqua frontend.
