Java“常量太多"JVM 错误

2022-01-16 00:00:00 jvm java


I'm developing an application that generates and compiles classes at runtime. This will sometimes create huge amounts of generated code.

对于我们的一个测试用例,我从 JVM 收到一个错误:

With one of our test cases, I'm getting an error from the JVM: too many constants


Just this. I've seen other reports about a similar error, but on those cases the error message complains about the constant pool. But in this case it doesn't.

如果这意味着达到了 JVM 的常量池的限制,那是什么意思?我的意思是,就 Java 代码而言,这些常量是什么类型的?类方法?领域?字面意思?我没有静态或最终方法,也没有字段.

If this means that the limit on the JVM's constant pool was reached, what does it mean? I mean, what kind of constants are these in terms of Java code? Class methods? Fields? Literals? I have no static or final methods nor fields.



Splitting the code into multiple classes is already in schedule. Although it wasn't for this exact reason.

我知道常量池的限制,我的疑问正是其中的内容.生成的代码没有超过 10000 个方法+字段.

I' aware of the limits of the constant pool, my doubt was exactly what goes into into. The generated code doesn't have more that about 10000 methods+fields.

我怀疑文字是否也进入常量池,因为这是我看到将此数字提高到 65K 的唯一原因.好像是这样.

My doubt is if literals also go to the constant pool or not, since that's the only reason I see to raise this number up to 65K. It seems so.



The constant pool includes numbers, strings, method names, field names, class names, references to classes and methods...basically everything.

最多可以有 65536 个.

There can be at most 65536 of them.
