Java 非堆内存和栈内存有什么区别?它们是否相同,如果不同,它们之间有什么区别?

我正在使用 Jconsole 来监控 Java 应用程序.内存选项卡显示不同的堆和非堆内存,例如

I am using Jconsole for monitoring a Java Application. The memory tab shows different Heap and Non Heap memories like

  1. 堆内存使用情况
  2. 非堆内存使用情况
  3. 内存池CMS Old Gen"
  4. 内存池Par Eden Space"
  5. 内存池Par Survivor Space"
  6. 内存池代码缓存"
  7. 内存池CMS Perm Gen"

这些术语之间有什么区别.还请提供一些关于 - 如何通过监控这些参数来发现应用程序行为异常的信息.

What is the difference between these terms. Also please provide some information regarding - how to find anomalies in the application behavior by monitoring these parameters.


在所有基于 C 的语言(以及大多数其他语言)中,基本上都有三类存储:

There are essentially three categories of storage in all C-based languages (and most other languages):

  1. 堆栈
  2. 静态(有多种变体)



Stack you're also familiar with, but you just don't know it. When you have a method with "local" variables, those variables are allocated in a "invocation frame". The "invocation frame" is allocated when you call the method and deleted when you return from the method, and hence it's most efficiently implemented using a "stack" that grows with call and shrinks with return.


Static is stuff that you don't explicitly allocate and essentially exists from the time program execution begins.


The space required for stack is generally fairly small and is lumped in with "Non Heap Memory" in the categories above.
