数组类在 Java 中是如何工作的?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 arrays jvm java

在 Java 中,数组是一个类并扩展了 Object.我很想知道这个特殊的数组类.我在任何地方都找不到类定义.执行 getClass().getName() 会产生奇怪的结果.

In Java, array is a class and extends Object. I am curious to know about this special array class. I don't find the class definition anywhere. Doing a getClass().getName() gives strange result.

String[] array = new String[]{"one","two"};
System.out.println(array.getClass().getName()); // prints [Ljava.lang.String;

我想了解数组是如何在幕后工作的.数组类定义是否在 JVM 中硬编码?

I want to understand how array works under the hood. Is the array class definition hardcoded in the JVM?


Any resources, books, links on this will be helpful.



是的,基本上数组是 VM 非常熟悉的东西,就像原始类型一样.有特定的字节码指令可以处理数组——创建它们、索引它们等等.

Yes, basically arrays are something the VM knows about intimately, like the primitive types. There are specific bytecode instructions to work with arrays - creating them, indexing into them etc.

至于要了解更多信息的资源 - JVM 规范 可能是最好的初始点.第 7.9 节有一些字节码使用数组的示例.

As for resources to find out more - the JVM specification is probably the best starting point. Section 7.9 has some examples of bytecode working with arrays.
