
2022-01-16 00:00:00 jvm java


In a project I'm working on, the application is launched using a command similar to this:

java -jar app.jar

我以前从未见过 选项.搜了一下,好像是用来在Java应用中配置随机数生成的.

I've never seen the option before. Searching a bit, it seems to be used to configure random number generation in a Java application.




如果在支持确定性随机位生成器 (DRBG) 的现代操作系统上运行 Java 8,我建议使用 以避免代码被意外阻塞.如果不确定正在使用的操作系统,我的建议是坚持原来的建议,即:

如果运行 Java 11,我建议简单地使用 来确保:

If running Java 8 on modern OSes with support to Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG), I'd recommend using to avoid getting the code blocked unexpectedly. If not sure about the OS being used, my suggestion is to stick with the original recommendation, namely:

If running Java 11, I'd recommend simply using to make sure of:

  1. 利用可用的最强大的 SecureRandom 实施 (DRBG),无论基础平台如何
  2. 避免代码被意外阻止 (securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom)
  1. leveraging the strongest SecureRandom implementation available (DRBG) regardless the underpinning platform
  2. avoiding getting the code blocked unexpectedly (securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom)


Read on to know the details.

Java 应用程序可以并且应该使用 类通过使用加密强伪随机数生成器 (CSPRNG).java.util.Random 类的标准 JDK 实现不被认为具有加密强度.

Java applications can and should use class to produce cryptographically strong random values by using a cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG). The standard JDK implementations of java.util.Random class are not considered cryptographically strong.

类 Unix 操作系统具有 /dev/random,这是一个特殊文件,它提供伪随机数,访问从设备驱动程序和其他来源收集的环境噪声.但是,如果可用的熵比请求的少,它会阻塞;/dev/urandom 通常从不阻塞,即使伪随机数生成器种子在启动后没有完全用熵初始化.还有一个第三个特殊文件,/dev/arandom,它在启动后阻塞,直到种子被安全地初始化为足够的熵,然后再也不会阻塞.

Unix-like operating systems have /dev/random, a special file which serves pseudo random numbers accessing environmental noise collected from device drivers and other sources. However, it blocks if there is less entropy available than requested; /dev/urandom typically never blocks, even if the pseudorandom number generator seed was not fully initialized with entropy since boot. There still is a 3rd special file, /dev/arandom which blocks after boot until the seed has been securely initialized with enough entropy, and then never blocks again.

默认情况下,JVM 使用 /dev/random 为 SecureRandom 类播种,因此您的 Java 代码可能会意外阻塞.用于启动 Java 进程的命令行调用中的选项 告诉 JVM 使用 /dev/urandom 代替.

By default, the JVM seeds the SecureRandom class using /dev/random, therefore your Java code can block unexpectedly. The option in the command line invocation used to start the Java process tells the JVM to use /dev/urandom instead.

额外的 /./ 似乎使 JVM 使用 SHA1PRNG 算法,它使用 SHA-1 作为 PRNG(伪随机数生成器)的基础.比指定/dev/urandom时使用的NativePRNG算法强.

The extra /./ seems to make the JVM to use the SHA1PRNG algorithm which uses SHA-1 as the foundation of the PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator). It is stronger than the NativePRNG algorithm used when /dev/urandom is specified.

最后,有一个神话,/dev/urandom 是一个伪随机数生成器,一个 PRNG,而 /dev/random 是一个真"随机数生成器.这根本不是真的,/dev/random/dev/urandom 都由同一个 CSPRNG(加密安全伪随机数生成器)提供.只是它们的行为不同:根据某种估计,当随机池耗尽熵时,/dev/random 会阻塞,而 /dev/urandom 不会.

Finally, there is a myth that /dev/urandom is a pseudo random number generator, a PRNG, whilst /dev/random is a "true" random number generator. This is simply not true, both /dev/random and /dev/urandom are fed by the same CSPRNG (cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator). Only their behaviour differs: /dev/random blocks when its randomness pool runs out of entropy according to some estimate, whilst /dev/urandom does not.


事实证明,看起来随机"是几个加密组件的基本要求,例如网络服务器的临时会话密钥.如果您获取加密哈希的输出,它与随机字符串无法区分,因此密码将接受它.这就是使用 SHA1PRNG 算法的原因,因为它使用哈希函数和计数器,以及种子.

It turns out that "looking random" is the basic requirement for several cryptographic components such as webserver's ephemeral session keys. And if you take the output of a cryptographic hash, it is indistinguishable from a random string so that ciphers will accept it. That's the reason of using the SHA1PRNG algorithm, as it uses a hash function and a counter, together with a seed.




编辑 09/2020:
-现代操作系统上的 Java 8
-Java 11,因为它是当前的长期支持 (LTS) 版本.

EDIT 09/2020:
I have changed this update to reflect the tests with:
-Java 8 on modern OSes
-Java 11 as it is the currently long-term support (LTS) version.

一条评论提到了 Java 8 中 SecureRandom 类的行为发生了变化.

A comment mentions a change on SecureRandom class' behaviour in Java 8.

已修复 SHA1PRNG 和 NativePRNG 以正确尊重 文件中的 SecureRandom 种子源属性.(不再需要使用 file:///dev/urandom 和 file:/dev/./urandom 的晦涩解决方法.)

SHA1PRNG and NativePRNG were fixed to properly respect the SecureRandom seed source properties in the file. (The obscure workaround using file:///dev/urandom and file:/dev/./urandom is no longer required.)

上面来源"部分中引用的测试已经指出了这一点.需要额外的 /./ 将 Java 8 中 SecureRandom 使用的算法从 NativePRNG 更改为 SHA1PRNG.
我同意 NativePRNG 比 SHA1PRNG 更安全,但仅在现代操作系统上运行时.因此,我相应地更新了我的结论并将其移至顶部.

This had already been pointed out by the tests referenced on the Sources section above. The extra /./ is required to change the algorithm used by SecureRandom in Java 8 from NativePRNG to SHA1PRNG.
I agree that NativePRNG is more secure than SHA1PRNG, but only when running on modern OSes. I have therefore updated accordingly my conclusion and moved it to the top.

不过,我确实有一些消息想分享.根据 JEP-273,从 Java 9 开始,SecureRandom 类实现确定性随机位生成器 (DRBG) 机制rel="noreferrer">NIST 800-90Ar1.这些机制实现了与 SHA-512 和 AES-256 一样强大的现代算法.

However, I do have some news that I'd like to share. As per the JEP-273, since Java 9 the SecureRandom class implements the three Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) mechanisms described in NIST 800-90Ar1. These mechanisms implement modern algorithms as strong as SHA-512 and AES-256.

JDK 之前有两种 SecureRandom 实现:

The JDK previously had two kinds of SecureRandom implementations:

  • 一个是平台相关的,基于本机调用或操作系统设备例如在 Unix 上读取 /dev/{u}random 或在视窗.最新版本的 Linux 和 Windows 已经支持 DRBG,但旧版本和嵌入式系统可能不支持.
  • 另一种是纯 Java 实现,它使用较旧的基于 SHA1 的 RNG 实现,不如经批准的 DRBG 机制使用的算法.
  • One is platform-dependent and based on native calls or OS devices such as reading /dev/{u}random on Unix or using the CryptoAPI on Windows. The latest releases of Linux and Windows already support DRBG, but older releases and embedded systems might not.
  • The other kind is a pure Java implementation that uses an older SHA1-based RNG implementation, which is not as strong as the algorithms used by approved DRBG mechanisms.

同时 Java 11 安全开发者指南 仍然是

在 Linux 和 macOS 上,如果 中的熵收集设备设置为 file:/dev/urandomfile:/dev/random,则 NativePRNG 为首选SHA1PRNG.否则,首选 SHA1PRNG.

On Linux and macOS, if the entropy gathering device in is set to file:/dev/urandom or file:/dev/random, then NativePRNG is preferred to SHA1PRNG. Otherwise, SHA1PRNG is preferred.

为了阐明新的 DRBG 机制如何与之前的 PRNG 协同工作,我在 macOS (Darwin) 上使用 AdoptOpenJDK(build 11.0.7+10)进行了一些测试.结果如下:

To clarify how the new DRBG mechanisms play together with the previous PRNGs, I ran some tests on macOS (Darwin) with AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10). Here are the results:这等于默认选项)
提供者:SecureRandom.NativePRNG 算法来自:SUN
提供者:SecureRandom.NativePRNG 算法来自:SUN
提供者:SecureRandom.DRBG 算法来自:SUN

最后,即使在使用现代操作系统时,使用 /dev/urandom 作为随机源仍然是最重要的,正如我们可以在 这篇非常有趣的帖子:

Finally, the point of using /dev/urandom as source of randomness still remains paramount even when using modern OSes, as we can read on this very interesting post:

共享 /dev/random 对任何 Linux 容器技术都是一个挑战...
虚拟化服务器上​​的低熵问题加剧了,因为......在同一主机上运行的 Linux 容器竞争有限的熵供应.这种类型的问题有时被称为stamped herd./dev/random 设备是一种稀缺的共享系统资源,Linux 容器租户可能没有意识到他们正在共享.当他们都试图同时使用它时,他们实际上是在互相造成拒绝服务.

Sharing /dev/random is a challenge for any Linux container technology...
The low amount of entropy on virtualized servers problem is exacerbated because ... Linux Containers running on the same host compete for a limited supply of entropy. This type of problem is sometimes referred to as a stampeding herd. The /dev/random device is a scarce shared system resource that Linux Container tenants likely have not realised they are sharing. When they all try to use it at the same time they are effectively causing a denial of service on each other.

