默认线程,如 DestroyJavaVM、Reference Handler、Signal Dispatcher

2022-01-16 00:00:00 multithreading jvm java


Working on a profiler of my own, I would like to explain what I see. There are some default threads which always appear, even in the simplest program:

  • 销毁JavaVM
  • 信号调度器
  • 终结器
  • 引用处理程序


Although their names are quite self-documenting, I would like to get a little bit more information. It seems these threads are not documented, does someone know a source to dig for these information or even knows exactly what these threads do?


  1. DestroyJavaVM 是在程序中卸载 Java VM 的线程出口.大多数情况下,它应该等待,直到您的虚拟机出现末日.
  2. Signal Dispatcher 是一个线程,用于处理操作系统发送到 jvm 的本机信号.
  3. 终结器线程从终结队列中拉取对象并调用它的终结方法.
  4. Reference Handler 是一个高优先级线程,用于将待处理的 参考文献.它在 java.lang.ref.References.java 中定义
  1. DestroyJavaVM is a thread that unloads the Java VM on program exit. Most of the time it should be waiting, until apocalypse of your VM.
  2. Signal Dispatcher is a thread that handles the native signals sent by the OS to your jvm.
  3. Finalizer threads pull objects from the finalization queue and calls it finalize method.
  4. Reference Handler is a high-priority thread to enqueue pending References. Its defined in java.lang.ref.References.java
