
2022-01-16 00:00:00 jvm immutability java

众所周知,String 在 java 中是不可变的.但是,可以通过获取字段并设置访问级别来使用反射来更改它.(我知道这是不明智的,我不打算这样做,这个问题是纯理论的).

As we all know, String is immutable in java. however, one can change it using reflection, by getting the Field and setting access level. (I know it is unadvised, I am not planning to do so, this question is pure theoretical).

我的问题:假设我知道自己在做什么(并根据需要修改所有字段),程序会正常运行吗?或者 jvm 是否进行了一些依赖于 String 不可变的优化?我会遭受性能损失吗?如果是这样,它做了什么假设?程序会出什么问题

my question: assuming I know what I am doing (and modify all fields as needed), will the program run properly? or does the jvm makes some optimizations that rely on String being immutable? will I suffer performance loss? if so, what assumption does it make? what will go wrong in the program

附言String 只是一个示例,除了示例之外,我实际上对一般答案感兴趣.

p.s. String is just an example, I am interested actually in a general answer, in addition to the example.




You are definitely asking for trouble if you do this. Does that mean you will definitely see bugs right away? No. You might get away with it in a lot of cases, depending on what you're doing.


Here are a couple of cases where it would bite you:

  • 您修改了一个字符串,该字符串恰好在代码中的某处被声明为字面量.例如,您有一个 function 并且在某处它被称为 function("Bob");在这种情况下,字符串 "Bob" 会在整个应用程序中 更改(对于声明为 final<的字符串 constants 也是如此/code>).
  • 您修改了在子字符串操作中使用的字符串,或者是子字符串操作的结果.在 Java 中,获取字符串的子字符串实际上使用与源字符串相同的底层字符数组,这意味着对源字符串的修改会影响子字符串(反之亦然).
  • 您修改了一个字符串,该字符串恰好被用作地图某处的键.它将不再与原始值进行比较,因此查找将失败.
  • You modify a string that happens to have been declared as literal somewhere within the code. For example you have a function and somewhere it is being called like function("Bob"); in this scenario the string "Bob" is changed throughout your app (this will also be true of string constants declared as final).
  • You modify a string which is used in substring operations, or which is the result of a substring operation. In Java, taking a substring of a string actually uses the same underlying character array as the source string, which means modifications to the source string will affect substrings (and vice versa).
  • You modify a string that happens to be used as a key in a map somewhere. It will no longer compare equal to its original value, so lookups will fail.

我知道这个问题是关于 Java 的,但我 写了一个不久前的博文 说明了如果您在 .NET 中对字符串进行变异,您的程序可能会表现得多么疯狂.情况真的很相似.

I know this question is about Java, but I wrote a blog post a while back illustrating just how insane your program may behave if you mutate a string in .NET. The situations are really quite similar.
