垃圾收集何时在 Java 中工作?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 garbage-collection java


I knew that there are a lot of articles about java garbage collection but after searching I don't know exactly "when dose the garbage collection run in a java application?(when the application restart or while it still running)".


Garbage Collector 是一个守护线程.一个守护线程在应用程序后面运行.它由JVM启动.这当所有非 dameon 线程停止时,线程停止.

Garbage Collector is a dameon thread. A dameon thread runs behind the application. It is started by JVM. The thread stops when all non-dameon threads stop.

JVM 控制垃圾收集器;它决定何时运行垃圾收集器.JVM 运行当垃圾收集器意识到内存不足时.GC的行为可以通过将参数传递给 JVM 进行调整.

The JVM controls the Garbage Collector; it decides when to run the Garbage Collector. JVM runs the Garbage Collector when it realizes that the memory is running low. The behavior of GC can be tuned by passing parameters to JVM.

可以请求垃圾收集从在 java 程序中,但不能保证此请求将由jvm.Check 如何在Java中强制垃圾回收?

One can request the Garbage Collection to happen from within the java program but there is no guarantee that this request will be taken care of by jvm.Check How to force garbage collection in Java?

