Android VM 是否可以在不杀死整个 Android 应用程序的情况下垃圾收集静态变量?


假设我有一个 Android 应用程序,其中一个名为userid"的静态变量位于一个名为 Global 的类中(在初始化时为 null).

Suppose I have an Android application with a static variable named "userid" inside a class called Global (which is null at initialization time).

如果我在 Android 应用程序生命周期中将userid"变量设置为某个值,例如 Global.userid = myid",那么当 Android 应用程序仍然存在时,该变量是否可能变为 null?

If I set "userid" variable to some value duing Android application lifecycle, say Global.userid = "myid", is it possible for this variable to become null while Android application is still alive?

换句话说,由于内存不足的问题,Android VM 是否可以卸载 Global 类并杀死"这个全局静态变量而不杀死整个 Android 应用程序?

In other words, is it possible for Android VM to unload Global class and "kill" this global static variable due to low-memory issue without killing the whole Android application?

我担心在应用程序运行时用户 ID 突然变为 null 的情况(由于内存不足的问题),从而导致整个应用程序崩溃.

I am worried about the situation that userid becomes suddenly null while application is running (due to low memory issue), therefore crashing the whole app.


Edit I was misunderstanding some concepts (between application process vs activities). Thanks for all answers!


如果我在 Android 应用程序生命周期中将userid"变量设置为某个值,例如 Global.userid = myid",那么当 Android 应用程序仍然存在时,该变量是否可能变为 null?

If I set "userid" variable to some value duing Android application lifecycle, say Global.userid = "myid", is it possible for this variable to become null while Android application is still alive?


If you set it to null yourself, yes.

换句话说,由于内存不足的问题,Android VM 是否可以卸载 Global 类并杀死"这个全局静态变量而不杀死整个 Android 应用程序?

In other words, is it possible for Android VM to unload Global class and "kill" this global static variable due to low-memory issue without killing the whole Android application?



If you play around with custom classloaders, it is conceivable that there may be scenarios in which classes get unloaded (and hence any static data members on them go poof) -- I seem to recall there was discussion about this scenario, but I forget the conclusion. However, very few apps should be messing around with custom classloaders.

我担心在应用程序运行时用户 ID 突然变为 null 的情况(由于内存不足的问题),从而导致整个应用程序崩溃.

I am worried about the situation that userid becomes suddenly null while application is running (due to low memory issue), therefore crashing the whole app.


可能发生的情况是用户在您的应用程序中,通过 HOME(或通知、来电或最近任务列表等)离开应用程序,然后稍后通过最近的任务列表返回到您的应用程序.如果您的进程在它不在前台的时间内被终止,那么当您的活动从最近任务列表启动时,您的静态数据成员将为 null.由于用户返回的活动不一定是您的启动器活动,因此您的应用可能表现得好像静态数据成员自发地变为 null,即使这是因为您的进程已终止并重新启动.

What can happen is that the user is in your app, leaves the app via HOME (or a notification, or an incoming call, or the recent-tasks list, etc.), then later returns to your app via the recent-tasks list. If your process had been terminated during the time it was not in the foreground, your static data member will be null when your activity is started up from the recent-tasks list. Since the activity the user returns to may not necessarily be your launcher activity, your app may behave as though the static data member spontaneously turned null, even though it was because your process had been terminated and restarted.


This is one of several reasons why static data members need to be used very carefully.
