方法调用期间创建的本地 Java 对象的生命周期

2022-01-16 00:00:00 garbage-collection java


In a method call, if I create an object during that call. When are those objects garbage collected?


Are they placed on the heap and then garbage collected along with other objects on the heap. Or are they garbage collected earlier because they are not needed. The execution of that method has completed.


当方法关闭时,在方法范围内创建的对象有资格进行垃圾回收 - 除非该引用作为返回值传回.在这种情况下,调用者可能会或可能不会挂在该引用上并阻止它被 gc'd.

Objects created within method scope are eligible for garbage collection when the method is closed - unless that reference is passed back as the return value. In that case, the caller may or may not hang onto that reference and prevent it from being gc'd.


Since the garbage collector runs on its own thread according to its own lights, you don't necessarily know when an object is cleaned up, or whether or not objects allocated elsewhere are eligible as well.
