
2022-01-16 00:00:00 garbage-collection java g1gc

谁能解释一下 G1 垃圾收集器的工作原理?我还没有在任何地方找到任何全面、易于理解的描述.

Can someone explain how the G1 Garbage Collector works please? I haven't been able to find any comprehensive, easy-to-understand descriptions anywhere yet.



收集器将堆分成固定大小的区域并跟踪这些区域中的实时数据.它保留了一组指针——记忆集"——进出该区域.当认为有必要进行 GC 时,它首先收集实时数据较少的区域(因此,垃圾优先").通常,这可能意味着一步收集整个区域:如果指向某个区域的指针数量为零,则不需要对该区域进行标记或扫描.

The collector splits the heap up into fixed-size regions and tracks the live data in those regions. It keeps a set of pointers — the "remembered set" — into and out of the region. When a GC is deemed necessary, it collects the regions with less live data first (hence, "garbage first"). Often, this can mean collecting an entire region in one step: if the number of pointers into a region is zero, then it doesn't need to do a mark or sweep of that region.


For each region, it tracks various metrics that describe how long it will take to collect them. You can give it a soft real-time constraint about pause times, and it then tries to collect as much garbage as it can in that constrained time.


There is JavaOne talk about G1 and few articles on the topic:

  • http://developers.sun.com/learning/javaoneonline/j1sessn.jsp
  • http://www.fasterj.com/articles/G1.shtml
  • http://www.drdobbs.com/java/219401061
  • http://www.infoq.com/articles/G1-One-Garbage-Collector-To-Rule-Them-All
