在 JVM 中测量花费在 GC 上的时间

2022-01-16 00:00:00 performance jvm garbage-collection qa java

假设我正在测试一个 Java 服务器应用程序.我知道完成考试需要多少时间.现在我想知道在那次测试期间在 GC 上花了多少钱.我该怎么做?

Suppose I am testing a Java server application. I know how much time it takes to finish the test. Now I'd like to know how much was spent on GC during that test. How can I do it?



The simplest way is to use the -Xloggc and -XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps options when starting up your JVM. I think it prints out how long garbage collection takes.

