
我在 mac 和 ubunto 上运行自动化(使用 cucumber、selenium web driver、junit)

I'm running an automation on mac and on ubunto (using cucumber, selenium web driver, junit)

在自动化过程中,我单击非 http 协议的链接

during the automation I click a link with non http protocol


an "External protocol request" popup appears.


It blocks my test from testing the rest of the webpage.


我想过可能写一个什么都不做的 jar,然后将它注册到这个外部协议,但这无济于事,因为这个弹出窗口仍然会出现.

I have thought maybe to write a jar that does nothing and then register it to this external protocol, but it won't help as this popup will still appear.


Maybe using another browser can help?



您有 2 个可能的选项.

You have 2 possible options.

1) 正在运行具有预定义配置文件的 chrome,您已手动禁用协议处理(通过接口或配置文件)(配置文件设置中的本地状态"文件,您应该在相应部分添加位智":false,你可以搜索mailto"知道它在哪里).

1) Is running a chrome with a predefined profile, where you have disabled protocol handling manually (via interface or config file) ("Local State" file in profile settings, you should add "waze": false in the appropriate section, you can search for "mailto" to know where is it).

2) 另一种方法是在所有测试开始之前将设置放入测试的构造函数中(我将编写一个算法,因为它取决于您的框架和语言):

2) Another way is to put put the setting in your tests' constructor before all your tests will start (I'll write an algo, because it depends on your framework and language):

  • 导航到chrome://settings"
  • 使用 CSS 选择器#advanced-settings-expander"点击链接
  • 使用 CSS 选择器#privacyContentSettingsButton"按下按钮
  • 使用 css 选择器#handlers-section input[value=block]"按所需选项的标签
  • 通过 CSS 选择器#content-settings-overlay-confirm"按下完成
